Drawing horses after horseback riding: how do children with PDD and MR express their experience with the horses.
Kakinuma M, Nonaka K, Nose I.
─ 定型発達児,自閉症児,知的障害児の比較から考える描画分析の可能性 ─
柿沼美紀,野中香緒里,野瀬 出
Overview of health-improvement effects in humans by equine-assisted therapy
Tsubone H.
局 博一
Therapy-Dog training
Selarque MG.
Selarque MG.
Role of animal-assisted therapy on the modern fatigue state
Kuratsune H.
Topics II:Basic Lessons for AAE and AAT
Series 1. Elementaly knowledge of the animals used for AAE and AAT
1) Management for keeping the animals.
2) Characteristics and handling of the animals; horses, dogs and small animals.
特集:動物介在教育・療法学 基礎講座
Research on the stress of an animal for animal assisted education and therapy -The stress marker of a dog-
Sato K, Yoshioka A, Itoh Y, Chikazawa S, Hori Y, Hoshi F, Kanai K, Itoh N, Higuchi S.
①動物介在教育 ・ 療法における活用動物のストレスに関する研究 ─ 犬のストレスマーカーについて ─
佐藤和徹,吉岡 彩,伊藤洋一,近澤征史朗,堀 泰智,星 史雄, 金井一亨,伊藤直之,樋口誠一
Research on the smell of the mouth a practical use animal for animal assisted education and therapy
-Evaluation of the bad breath and the deodorization by bio-chloro in a dog-
Kuroiwa Y, Tamura Y, Tanaka K, Itoh Y, Chikazawa S, Hori Y, Hoshi F, Kanai K, Itoh N, Higuchi S.
②動物介在教育 ・ 療法における活用動物の臭いに関する研究 ─ 犬における口臭の評価とバイオクロロ消臭液投与効果について ─
黒岩陽平,田村雄飛,田中健太郎,伊藤洋一,近澤征史朗,堀 泰智, 星 史雄,金井一亨,伊藤直之,樋口誠一
Studies on the evaluation of animal-caring activity for children
Tsuchida A, Yokoyama N, Kimoto N.
土田あさみ,横山 直,木本直希
What horses mean to children: a comparison of drawings by typically developing, autistic and mentally retarded children after a horseback riding session
Nonaka K, Kakinuma M.
④子どもの絵に見る人と動物の関係の認識 ─ 乗馬体験をした定型発達児,自閉症児,知的障害児の比較 ─